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Bob Jones High School Band
Potluck Dinner/Kickoff Meeting
The first Band Boosters meeting is held the Thursday of Band
Camp. This year it's Thursday, Aug.5, in the high school cafeteria, beginning at 6pm.
It's a wild event. Come prepared for huge crowds and long lines,
so bring extra patience as well as your checkbook (more on that later). This is one of
those events that NOBODY misses.
Several things take place that evening:
- Potluck supper: Food assignments are made by music sections. See
the August newsletter to see what you should bring. There's always a lot of food and a lot
of variety. It's a great opportunity to get to meet other people in your section or in
other parts of the band.
- Kick-off Band Booster Meeting: we'll have a very brief meeting,
pass out student directories for the handbook, and also pass out band handbooks to anyone
who hasn't yet received theirs. *We intend to have a microphone this year* (last year it
was very hard to hear!)
- Sign-up sheets for volunteers: Here's where you can sign up for
specific football games to chaperone, times to sell food in the concession stand, help
with other fundraisers (chili sale, pecan sale), as well as numerous other volunteer
projects. The slots go fast--especially for football games--so get there fast so you get
the date of your choice.
- Band Vendors: merchants from Greek, Etc and Hallman's Music will
be on hand to provide one-stop shopping for band supplies. You'll be able to purchase Band
Jerseys (or pick yours up if it was pre-ordered), Letter Jackets, marching shoes and
gloves, lyres, rain ponchos and Bob Jones-printed items. Parents, you may want to get a
Band Parents jersey. It looks just like the BJHS one the kids wear and is a great way to
show your support. This is where you'll want to have a checkbook handy.

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