Bob Jones High School Band
Band Booster Newsletter
Band Booster Meeting Reminder: Tuesday, April 18, 7P.M., in the band room.
On the agenda: the Spring Trip, election of next year's executive board, baseball game fundraiser. **Please note that this meeting reflects a change in date.**ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Our nominating committee has been challenged to find a group of people willing and able to guide the band boosters for the 2000-2001 school year. While there are many capable parents in our organization, finding someone who feels they have the time to devote to this important work is the real challenge. We have nominees for vice president, secretary and treasurer, but guess what? Our presidency position remains vacant.
We've postponed our April Booster meeting till the 18th to allow the nominating committee and the current executive board to have more time to fill presidency position. One thought we have had is that Bert's outstanding leadership has made her shoes hard to fill. If you've considered running for president but stopped, relax. Each person defines the role for himself or herself, and with a strong support team, the president is primarily a person to delegate tasks to other helpers. And we DO have a strong base of support in our band booster organization.If you'd like to talk about the job requirements, please contact Gregg Parker or Jill Stallcup from the nominating committee, or call president Roberta Malcolm to discuss what is required and optional for this position.
The Baseball Fundraiser
The Huntsville Stars have offered the BJHS Band a sweetheart of a fund-raising deal. We're going to be working in the first base concession stand for every home Stars game until July 10. We provide helpers to support their main concession staff, and in return we get 9.5% of the net sales (not profits, but sales). If all of our scheduled workers show up, we get an extra 1% bonus that day.
The money we receive is estimated to be in the ballpark(pun!) of $10,000 for a half season. Half of our money will go to the Band Boosters general fund to pay for uniforms, instruments, music and other band needs. The other half will be divided among the workers and applied to band fees. This provides a great opportunity for both you and your child to help reduce the costs associated with participating in band.
Anyone over 15 years old can help, but you must be 21 to actually sell concessions, because of the beer that is sold there. The younger folks will work in the back area, dishing up ice cream, preparing nachos, and doing other jobs.
Make no mistake: this will be tiring, hot work. But it's also a super fund-raiser for band expenses. In order to make this work, we need LOTS of help. If every band booster member and child took a turn, there would be no problem in filling the various slots to work--but we know that isn't possible. If you have the time and inclination, though, we'd love to have your help as much as you can spare. How about 5 games a month? 5 games a season? More? Less? We'll take what you can provide.
Most of the games begin at 7:05 P.M., and helpers would need to be at Joe Davis Stadium by 5:00 and plan to be done by 11 P.M. Some weekend games begin at 2:05, and workers again need to be on hand 2 hours early. There are some daytime games that begin at noon during the week as well, so if you have the type of schedule that allows you to be free during those hours, we really need you!!
The work isn't difficult. The cash registers are very easy to use, and there is a full-time staff there to show us what to do....we just help. There will be a sign-in sheet so that we can keep track of the hours you work, and a place to indicate which student's account your credit hours will apply to.
If you or your child groans that flipping burgers doesn't sound like much fun......remember: there are plenty of other things to do besides stand over a grill (actually, we don't do the grilling. That's for the full-time employees.). Think about scooping ice cream, selling brownies from the Sweet Shop window, filling boxes of popcorn, wrapping cooked burgers and hot dogs in paper and storing in the warmer, fixing slushies. Adults will be able to run the register and serve drinks.
Since we receive a percentage of sales, we can't tell you exactly how much money you'll be earning to credit to student accounts......but we'll get a detailed accounting, and half will go to the student band accounts. At each game, we need at least 75% adults (because of the cash registers and serving). But for the kids, groups can sign up for dates. You and your buddies, or you and your sectional co-musicians could all work together. That wouldn't be bad.
Roberta Malcolm suggests(only suggests!) that each student try to work six games throughout the season. These could be daytime, weekend or evening. By working six games, each student would be making a significant dent in their band fees. That shows responsibility and inniative in an area where kids are often unable to really help.
Have we convinced you? If you'd like more information or want to commit to specific dates to help, contact Maggie Heeger at 461-7947 or Roberta Malcolm at 721-9404. We have a printed information on schedule dates and times as well as a volunteers manual. Check out the link below to go to the web page we've created to describe this project.
And yes, of course we'll put pictures of this project on the band web page. We already have the Baseball schedule listed there!
The Spring Trip
May 3 is less than a month away! We leave for our Spring Trip to Washington DC and Williamsburg, VA on Wednesday the 3rd of May, and return Sunday, the 7th. Here are some suggestions for items to take along:
*change of clothes for four days. Most days you'll wear an assigned T-shirt, but the rest will be up to you--except for the times you wear your uniform. Be sure your shoes are very comfortable--you'll do a LOT of walking.
*ATM card, Travelers Checks or other ready forms of money. Carrying too much cash is risky. Bring a supply of one-dollar bills for vending machines.
*A small travel pillow--for sleeping on the bus. You'll be glad you did.
*A small flashlight for use in unfamiliar hotel rooms.
*A drink bottle to refill with water during the day. This saves searching out expensive concession stands.
*Sunglasses, sunscreen and lip balm.
*Prepaid phone card--makes calling home easier.
*Sweater or jacket. The weather is changeable this time of the year and the buses can be very chilly.
*Uniform needs: depending on your uniform, this could mean black or white socks, shoes, shorts, bow tie, hose......
Spring Dates to Remember
*April 27: tentative date for Spring auditions
*April 29: Prom
*May 3-7: Spring Trip
*May 10: Bandquet
*May 11: Spring Concert
*May 18: Last Day of School
Fees Due: Spring fees are past due. Please send them to the treasurer if yours are still outstanding. If you're new to band and haven't received this information, call Maggie Heeger (461-7947) to get a handbook and information on what's due.
The Band Website has a new address: The old site is still running, but updates are being made to the new address only.
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