Our New Fundraising Project: Helping Sell Concessions at Huntsville Stars Home Games
The Bob Jones Band Boosters will be selling concessions at the First Base Concession Stand at all Huntsville Stars Home Baseball Games through the Labor Day weekend. In exchange for our work, we'll get a portion of the profits!
So far, it's been very enjoyable for those who have helped. We've learned who has the stamina to cook funnel cakes all night(Justin and Karyn rule!!), who scoops the best ice cream(Ashley and Lydia??) and who can run the beer taps best (Bert and Sandra!!). The money is great--helps the band and helps our parents' wallets--but what we've REALLY seen is that we've gotten to know each other a lot better and have created teamwork and friendships that will benefit us through the rest of the season. It's going to be nice to see parents at the football games this fall and actually KNOW who they are!!
Half of the money we receive will go to the Band Boosters General Fund. The other half will be split among the workers, to be credited to individual student band accounts. Parents and children over age 14 can work, and designate which band account their credited hours will be applied to. Take a look at the schedule below and if you'd like to signup for as many games as you'd like, just email us at the email link at the bottom of this page(be sure to specify if it's a child or adult working). If everyone helps for 5 or 10 games, nobody will be stuck with all the work.
Idea: A band section could volunteer to work a certain game. Sign up now, though, while there's still room for your group!
It's a lot of work, and it's going to be HOT during the summer, but for anyone who wants to earn all or part of their band fees.....here's your opportunity!
See photos of the
The Baseball Home Game Schedule(second half of the season):
Sunday, Aug. 20, 6pm: ALL FULL--could use a couple students to scoop ice cream, though.
Monday, Aug 21, 7pm: need 6
Tues, Aug. 22, 7pm: need 6
Weds, Aug 23, 7pm: need 3
Friday, Sept. 1, 7pm: Need 10 Note: this is our first home football game. We may have a hard time finding workers this night. If you can help, we'd be grateful!!!
Sat., Sept 2, 7pm: need 13
Sunday, Sept 3, 6pm: need 7
Monday, Sept 4, noon: need 5